Thursday, November 11, 2010

UIC Code: Catalogue of UIC Leaflets 2010 (Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer - International Union of Railways)

Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer - International Union of Railways

The UIC Code is the repository of UIC Leaflets and cancellations currently in force. It comprises some 600 UIC Leaflets in all three UIC languages (English, French and German), a total of 1 800 documents.

It is easy to find UIC Leaflets and cancellations by subject, since they are indexed according to the 10 major fields of railway activity which compose the UIC Code.

The title, number, date of publication, status (obligatory, recommendatory or informatory) and price of each leaflet are indicated in the catalogue.
The online version of the UIC Code is updated whenever a leaflet is entered into the Internet database. An updated paper version is published 4 times a year along with the list of recent publications.
The UIC Code is the reference catalogue for all the UIC Leaflets.

Author:ETF - Railway Technical Publications
Date of issue:January 2010
Trilingual publication (English, German, French)
345 pages,
ISBN: 978-2-7461-1773-0

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